Divine Life

Embrace. Embody. Encounter.

We are a church rooted in Word and Sacrament, as well as the Christian theological and spiritual tradition. In worship and work, we are efforting together to become like Christ, communally and personally. Our mission is to embrace one another with love, as well as our neighbor, our enemy, and the stranger; to embody in hope the good news of the Kingdom of God; and to encounter by faith the Father of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Join us every Sunday at 10:30 am.

God With Us - Emmanuel

Emmanuel - God With Us

He is with you,
In that misery of your own making.

He will not yell over the noise.
He will not interrupt.
He will likely not intervene.
As you create yet more misery.
But He is there.

Listen closely.
His words will be quiet.

He will speak Love,
When all around there is hate.
He will speak Hope,
When all around there is condemnation.
He will speak Peace into chaos.
He will speak Truth into lies.
He will speak Healing into addiction.
He will speak Forgiveness,
Even as He is mocked.

You may not hear Him there.
He will not shout,
He will not force,
He will not beg,
He will not manipulate,
For He is Love.

But He has made a way out for you.

In the whisper of the wind through trees,
In the lapping of the water against shore,
In the crackle of a fire,
In the dark of sleepless nights,
In the brightness of a sunrise,
In the midst of wordless prayers,
At the Table - Bread and Wine, Body and Blood.

When you stop,
When you sit in silence,
When you are still,
There. You can hear Him.

Be silent.

God With Us - Emmanuel