Divine Life

Embrace. Embody. Encounter.

We are a church rooted in Word and Sacrament, as well as the Christian theological and spiritual tradition. In worship and work, we are efforting together to become like Christ, communally and personally. Our mission is to embrace one another with love, as well as our neighbor, our enemy, and the stranger; to embody in hope the good news of the Kingdom of God; and to encounter by faith the Father of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Join us every Sunday at 10:30 am.

Welcome to the Divine Life Blog

Consider this your invitation to contribute to the community!

By being a contributor, whether only once or as frequently as you wish, you are sharing your voice directly with others in the church. The hope is to have enough content to provide a weekly blog post to share within our community.

We are looking for a range of topics. As some ideas, you could consider reflecting on the previous week’s sermon; telling a story from Church history that you find interesting or relevant; sharing how you experienced God in grief, illness, or abundance; exploring how the pandemic shaped your faith; commenting on a particular passage; writing devotionals around church seasons (advent, Pentecost, ordinary time, etc); Sharing biographies of saints you find interesting or relevant; highlighting useful Bible interpretation skills/strategies; crafting a book review; sharing original prose or poetry. These are just ideas. If you have something else you would like to write about, feel free!

You can submit audio, video, or written posts. Videos and audio should be 3-5 minutes. Written submissions should, ideally, be 250-600 words (I understand that some original prose or poetry may be more or less). Posts should assume an inclusive audience and avoid any language or positions that privilege one group over another. Jill Engelhardt will serve as editor and will suggest edits for content and clarity. Pastors Stephen and Karen will have final approval. Submissions may be sent to jill.engelhardt@outlook.com and may be in the form a complete post or an idea that the author wishes to develop with the editor. If you prefer your post be shared privately, please indicate that.

Your voice is wanted and needed. We really hope you will consider contributing to this blog.