Divine Life

Embrace. Embody. Encounter.

We are a church rooted in Word and Sacrament, as well as the Christian theological and spiritual tradition. In worship and work, we are efforting together to become like Christ, communally and personally. Our mission is to embrace one another with love, as well as our neighbor, our enemy, and the stranger; to embody in hope the good news of the Kingdom of God; and to encounter by faith the Father of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Join us every Sunday at 10:30 am.

Theories: A poem in response to Hope Week

The following poem was submitted to the blog by a community member who wishes to remain anonymous. Please post your reflections in the comments to encourage our author!


Theories and talk

You haven’t come,

and we excuse it away.

We fill your absence with theories

and talk

Blindfolded faith—

we beat her into submission should she breath a doubt

We smile,

tell those we perceive as weak and wicked to behave.

Where are you?

Aren’t we your biggest fans?

Aren’t I?

“Be still;”

A whisper

Or was it a figment of my imagination?

How I hope it was really you.